Startups are nimble and are consistently changing. You’ll start working and leading projects right from the beginning. Your learning curve will be steep but you will get genuine exposure to how a business is run and built.
Nowadays employers are seeking candidates with both international and entrepreneurial experience. It’s no surprise therefore that theInterna offers just that. Within a matter of months you will have exposure to the key skills required to start a business and launch new products and ideas.
Specifically for linguists, it’s key to gain target language exposure on your Year Abroad. Larger organisation will no doubt already have international clients and have English as a core language. Startups give you much more of an opportunity to gain that language exposure.
We work with top universities from across the world, we’ve been through the process ourselves and now want to give you the same experience. Whether you’re about to do your Year Abroad or looking for a placement abroad, we understand the types of challenges you’ll face and the desire of what you want to achieve. We’ve done it ourselves so can guide and help every step of the way.
We work with placement year students from across all degrees. If you have a placement year as part of your degree then we can help you! Our focus on the placement year means that the startups we work with completely understand that you have to finish your final year. However, it’s not at all uncommon that an intern is offered a full time role for after they finish their degree.
We don’t simply advertise any opportunity. We have a specific focus on entrepreneurial internships which means that all our opportunities are with exciting companies looking to grow and wanting you to be part of that growth. This is most likely in a startup but can also be in larger companies looking for candidates with the right mindset of venture building and keen to look to help find and execute on new business opportunities.
Many students believe they lack the key skills required to succeed in a startup environment. For this reason before starting your internship, you undergo our 4-week online course made specifically for interns and startups. Not a one-size fits all course on entrepreneurship, but one specifically focused on interns who are ambitious, eager to learn and ready to make a real difference during their time in a startup. A playbook which you can use during your internship and beyond.
In such a difficult job market, making the most of your placement year and gaining the right skills will differentiate you when it comes to looking for that much sought-after grad scheme!
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